How did Gianni Agnelli wear his watch?

The style of the Italians is always taken as a reference in the world of fashion and Gianni Agnelli is one of those men who showed that personal style can become the best trend. The former President of Fiat and owner of the Juventus of Turin was a true pioneer in what men's fashion is concerned.

"The Avvocato", as it was popularly known, dared everything, even going so far as to put on fashion some looks that could be impossible "like Crepe-style boots with a suit. That way of dressing is the one that marked a before and after in the way of understanding the formal style.

Today, for example, it is very normal to see men dressed in suede boots. A style that I personally love, because it gives it that classic but at the same time modern touch.

One of the personal hobbies of Lapo Elkann's grandfather was his curious way of wearing the watch on the cuff of his shirt, the direct contact of the strap on his skin bothered him, so I took the habit of placing it over him. One more mania, like many others, yes, but that ended up becoming something more than that.

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