The clock is the link of good taste. The watch does not have to be striking, it is enough that it is a reflection of your personality, that is, it must be elegant. Try not to be sandy. With that I always arrive late to work.But how do I combine my watch with other accessories?
"Suit up!" Barney Stinson's battle cry has reached your closet, so you urgently need a pair of cufflinks. They are inversely proportional in size to their importance in a suit. King Louis XIV collected them ostentatiously. You at least have to have a pair. As Sinatra said: twins always look good.::
man should never leave the house without studying thoroughly what he has in his pockets. You can smoke or not smoke, or only smoke sporadically when you go out partying. But he can not leave the house without a lighter. The lighter is the key that will open the doors of conversations ... and who knows if any more.
They are, next to the clock, the stars of the complements. Essential to complete your look on a sunny day, and especially on a sunny day of a hangover. The sunglasses complete and protect you. General MacArthur blurted out his famous phrase "I'm leaving but I'll be back" paraded under some aviator type. Each brand has its sentimental, erotic, political, cultural and cinematographic history. Oh, if the sunglasses spoke...
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